Monday, 25 April 2011


Lee Chong Wei - Our Malaysian Badminton Gold Prospect!
Man, everyone, each of us, all shouting. Yep, the Twins also. Josh while doing his coloring schoolwork, wife and I, all shouted, “Chong Wei, Chong Wei, Chong Wei!”. Twins jump up and down. Man, the excitement, the anticipation, everything – including running to the toilet, all for our hero, Lee Chong Wei. All worth it. All for Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh!

Sunday, 24 April 2011


Dalam rangka memajukan dunia teknologi informasi dan SDM Indonesia,kami mengadakan acara belajar GRATIS atau biaya seadanya
termasuk juga belajar Certified Information System Auditor (CISA), Java,
PHP, Linux, Information Technology Governance, dan Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP).

Kegiatan ini adalah kegiatan sosial untuk meningkatkan SDM Indonesia.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adalah sistem terintegrasi untuk
mengelola seluruh aktifitas perusahaan termasuk keuangan, produksi, HRD,
marketing, supply chain, logistics, dll.

Praktis seluruh perusahaan besar di dalam dan luar negeri
menggunakan ERP termasuk:

ExxonMobil, BASF, British Petroleum, ChevronTexaco, Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola,
Hewlett Packard, Haliburton, Mitsui, Astra, Garuda, PERTAMINA, IndoMobil,
Bank Mandiri, dll.

Banyak juga universitas besar di luar negeri yang menggunakan ERP
untuk mengelola administrasi mahasiswa, keuangan, kepegawaian, pembelian,

SAP adalah perusahaan yang memiliki pangsa pasar (market
share) terbesar di dunia untuk software ERP. Keahlian dalam bidang ERP SAP
Insya Allah membuka peluang karir baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.

Mari kita majukan dunia teknologi informasi dan SDM di Indonesia!


Bullies and those being bullied are more likely to be experiencing family violence at home, a new report issued by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and prepared together with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has found. The researchers found that among middle and high school pupils across the state, encounters of family violence were more common among young people who had both taken part in bullying and been victims of it.

Since the two suicides in 2009 - Phoebe Prince, 15, in South Hadley, and Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, in Springfield - bullying has been a big theme in Massachusetts, leading to anti-bullying laws in 2010 which ban bullying both online and in schools. Since the new legislation, schools have had to develop bullying intervention and prevention policies.

The CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) report explains that a growing body of evidence has been linking family violence with bullying. The authors write that they gathered and analyzed data from the Massachusetts Youth Health Survey (2009), an anonymous, paper and pencil survey carried out every 24 months.